It’s been a challenging 2 years for everyone. And just when we thought things were taking a turn for the better, a new strain has hit us and we're back in a lockdown again (somewhat).
At DeckOut, we prefer to always look for the silver lining. Since Father’s Day is around the corner, we asked some DeckOut loyalists, who happen to be the Coolest dads we know, what being a father means to them and what they'd like as gifts for being the Rockstar Dads they are.
1. What’s your most memorable moment as a father?
Leon: Last father’s day when we manage to prepare a meal together. Although the kids made a real mess in the kitchen.
Sanjay: Loads but the latest one would be 2019 when all of my 3 children were with me in Singapore. We simply spent the day together laughing and having meals at the places (I got to decide) and that was so memorable. I cherish that simple celebration especially now that both my daughters are away and it's so difficult to meet in person because of the pandemic.
Simon: 2019 when my first daughter was born (in June) and it’s my first Father’s Day.
Ashraf: Definitely last year. Having a toddler, I'm always awed by my little girl's actions. At 3 years old, she did a Father's Day card (with the help of her mom of course!). "happy father's day , Papa!" in her own handwriting. I was 3 once and I am sure I didn't know how to write the alphabets!
Spencer: Sent by her preschool teacher some years back, it was a video of my eldest daughter saying happy Father’s Day and I love you. It’s the most angelic thing that we still have a laugh over till today as a family.
Aldrin: It was Father’s Day six years ago, when the kids got up early and made breakfast with an accompanying menu and restaurant service.
Sanjay Danani - Director and Co-Founder of WWTBF (The Cage)
2. Being a father and a go-getter isn’t easy. How do you stay a Rockstar for both?
Leon: Following a family time that is scheduled really helps. They look forward to that time and so do I. And some times it is the pockets of activity together.
Sanjay: There is a conscious intent for all of us to meet at least once a day everyday of the week. Be it for meals or just a 1 hour hang out. If I have work or have after-work social plans, we will still catch up late into the evening before we retire for the night.
Simon: I’ll try to have dinner with the family on weekdays and try to bring them out for family outings on weekends.
Ashraf: Both my wife and I run our own businesses and it is tough sometimes. We make it a point to allocate 1 weekday and 1 weekend for family outings. We also make it a point to have 1 family meal (lunch or dinner) everyday.
Spencer: Common activities that we enjoy together for example playing with our pet chinchillas, Pomerian-Husky, Nintendo switch during the holidays, and Tamagotchi time.
Just as a company takes committed people and processes for it to evolve and grow, it takes a village to bring up children. But above all it’s spousal support that ties everything together. She’s my major pillar of support.
Aldrin: Saturday evening dinners where we all sit together and do grill evening, all chipping in to cook the food and joking and laughing at the Same time.

Leon Foo - Founder of PPP Coffee and Co-founder of Morning - (creators of the Morning Machine)
3. What’s the best joke or advice from your dad?
Leon: It is nice to feel important but it is more important to be nice.
Sanjay: 1. Be a friend that listens. 2. Kids never listen to their dads:))
Simon: My dad never give me any advice leh!
Ashraf: Practice making decisions whether big or small with the thought of your parents. Will papa or mummy be proud of this decision.
Spencer: Growing up I have always known him to be the silent stoic type: Tough times make tough people.
Aldrin: Advice number 1: Never lend anyone money which you are not willing to forego. Number 2: You can piss me off but remember and think twice when it comes to your mum.
Aldrin Arumugam - General Manager Singapore Airlines
4. What’s the best Father’s Day gift you have given or received. And why is it so special?
Leon: When my kids made a artist poster that read Papa 2 years ago. Made with love.
Sanjay: A hug. Simple yet so special.
Simon: Bought a car for my father (shared with my sisters) as he has always been driving and now he is officially retired, he doesn’t get a car to drive around and he got lost a few times taking public transport. Checked off bucket list too (buying your dad a car)
Ashraf: My daughter's hand written father's day gift card. I was a little overeager with that one:)
Spencer: It’s a necklace that my daughter made that says love you to the moon and back. I still keep it in my secret stash somewhere.
Aldrin: A Spider-Man stuffed toy, as when the kids were growing up they kind of believed I was spider man:)
Spencer Wong - Director of Business Development - The Editors Market
Simon Tan - Founding Director - Cafe Football and The Arena
5. If you were to pick an item from DeckOut as your Father’s Day gift. What item will it be and why?
Team DeckOut.